AIOps, Observability & ARM
DAI Source is Breaking the Break-Fix Loop
Modern IT platforms are moving beyond human scale. IT Operations teams are responding with a new combination of tools and processes.
In order to achieve the promise of the cloud, application platforms have become fluidic, dynamic, and complex. They change physical locations, scale up, scale down, apply security layers, and increase costs dynamically. Unless IT staff adapt to a new way of thinking, the cost of running applications in the cloud grows uncontrolled, eventually exceeding the cost of on-premise systems.
What does it mean for an IT Ops team to hit the limits of human scale?
You’ve hit the limits of human scale when it doesn’t matter how many people, how much time, or how much money you throw at an application platform. The application still has problems. You still have to divert your staff to fix it. And next week you and your staff will be doing the same thing again. It has become an expensive, repetitive hassle. Worse yet, IT staff have been conditioned to accommodate SWAT or Major Incident resolution processes. Instead of thinking differently about the IT problems, we have OpExstaffing concepts that allow larger teams of people to participate from every time zone, which perpetuates or even encourages the problem. This cycle is known as the break-fix loop. We collect more data, add more people, who then collect even more data, who then add even more people.
What does it mean to solve problems beyond human scale?
In application platforms we apply better tools, activate AI modelling, and move toward processes that continuously adjust our IT environment. We use tools based on AIOps, Observability, and Application Resource Management (ARM). We present humans with options, allowing humans to do what we do best, which is make complex decisions. When we solve a problem, we don’t simply close a ticket. We automatically record the resolution into a data catalog that AI algorithms can use to give humans a better, quicker analysis of the problem next time. Then we let the machines do what they do best, the busy work involved in collecting and scanning massive amounts of data to find potential solutions for similar problems. Most importantly, we break the “break-fix loop” that creates large, wasteful IT staffing plans.
Why is DAI the Solution to the Break-Fix Loop?
DAI is a leader in both Analytics and IT Ops processes. To us, system logs are just another kind of data and can be approached the same way as business data. For decades IT shops have created silos for systems management, logging, and support processes, but they were disconnected from the data and analytics capabilities of the enterprise. These silos later became cloud monitoring. The look was new but they still carried the same fatal flaw. They were disconnected from the enterprise data. To break the break-fix loop, we apply AI-Enabled tools on top of monitoring data. We use AI to filter noisy data and narrow it down to a data set called an application context that fuels human decisions. By combining AI with Cloud Automation, DAI helps customers understand their data, and reduce the time required to run application platforms.
Using Textbooks & Practical Experience
Like most important trends in the IT industry, there is a methodology to AIOps, Observability, and Application Resource Management (ARM). DAI helps customers pinpoint the relevant parts of these methodologies while combining them with practical experience. For our customers, the result is a streamlined process that takes advantage of new techniques and proven methodologies that aren't overwhelming to learn. It starts with the principles of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE). We cover popular methodologies such as the Four Golden Signals for monitoring systems, the Six Pillars of Managing Microservice Applications, and the Twelve-Factor App methodology. Next, we cover runtime platforms ranging from traditional monoliths to microservices in containers. We apply the tools that infuse AI, Observability, and Recommendation engines. Finally, we focus on the processes and metrics necessary to maintain an IT staff that is skilled enough to handle the platforms, but small enough to stay within budget.
IBM Cloud Service Management & Operations Field Guide
Cloud Service Management and Operations addresses the operational aspect of your application and services.
Six Pillars of Managing Microservice Applications
Learn the six foundational capabilities required to effectively manage cloud-native, microservices, containerized and orchestrated applications.
Get In Touch!
Bill DeSpain
P: 940.300.6384
Justin Toler
Customer Success
P: 512.516.1885
Greg Zuanich
Executive Vice President
Sales & Marketing
P: 832.723.7071
About Us
DAI Source is a noted technology and solutions firm based in Irving, Texas providing consulting services in Data Management, Analytics and Security Solutions to a broad range of clients across the U.S.
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