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DAI Source Instana Observability Webinar – April 22, 2021

April 22, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm


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Online/Virtual Event
Irving, TX 75038 United States
(940) 300-6384
View Venue Website
You’ve built it. Now observe it.

As IT platforms have become more automated they have also become more difficult to debug. Instead of servers we talk about nodes, virtual systems, “VMs”, containers, and object storage. Unlike traditional systems these can move around and change names based on the whims of their underlying virtualization platforms. Cloud platforms take it a step further. In the cloud we expect to move workloads across data centers, change IP addresses, and stop and start systems as part of normal operation. As these things are happening the operations team must deal with all the typical application problems of memory, connectivity, and program crashes. To deal with these complexities modern IT systems require a capability called “Observability”. Instana is the leader in Observability across the entire IT platform.

In this webinar, consultants and practitioners will explain the two approaches with some examples of each. In addition, they will show a brief demo of how to use the tools in each case.


April 22, 2021
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Get In Touch!

Bill DeSpain
P: 940.300.6384
E: bdespain@daisource.com

Justin Toler
Customer Success

P: 512.516.1885
E: jtoler@daisource.com

Greg Zuanich
Executive Vice President
Sales & Marketing

P: 832.723.7071
E: gzuanich@daisource.com

About Us

DAI Source is a noted technology and solutions firm based in Irving, Texas providing consulting services in Data Management, Analytics and Security Solutions to a broad range of clients across the U.S.


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